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Private constructor in C#

Monday, 18 February 2019

In C#, you can create private constructors. It is used in a class that contains static members only. You can NOT instantiate from a class that has a private constructor with the same parameters. The main purpose of a private constructor is to restrict the class from being instantiated. Take a look at the following class:


public class BaseClass
    private BaseClass()

If you try to instantiate the above class, you will get the following error:


BaseClass baseClass=new BaseClass(); //'BaseClass.BaseClass()' is inaccessible due to its protection level [PrivateConstructor]



But you can have another public or private constructor in the same class:


public class BaseClass
    private BaseClass()
    public BaseClass(string a)
        A = a;
    public static string A { get; set; }


Another usage of the private constructor is when It is used in singleton design patterns, to make sure that only one instance of a class can be created.


private static BaseClass instance = null;
    public static BaseClass getInstance()  
        if (instance == null)  
            instance = new BaseClass();  
        return instance;  


Now, what’s the difference between creating a class with a private constructor and defining it as sealed!?

Category: Software

Tags: C#

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