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Private protected in C# 7.2

Thursday, 06 July 2017

If you remember protected internal which was introduced in earlier versions of C#, it can be accessed by any code in the assembly in which it is declared, OR from within a derived class in another assembly. For example, if you look at the following code:


namespace namespace1


    public class BaseClass1


        protected internal void ProtectedInternalMethod()







namespace namespace2


    public class BaseClass2 : BaseClass1


        public void Method1()






    public class BaseClass3


        public void Method2()


            var baseClass1 = new BaseClass1();






We defined a method in BaseClass1 as protected internal and we used that method in other classes named BaseClass2 and BaseClass3. Notice that BaseClass2 is deriving from BaseClass1 But and BaseClass3 Does NOT but we can use ProtectedInternalMethod() in both of them.

Now look at the following example:


namespace namespace3


    public class BaseClass4


        private protected void PrivateProtectedMethod()







namespace namespace4


    public class BaseClass5 : BaseClass4


        public void Method2()






    public class BaseClass6


        public void Method1()


            var BaseClass4 = new BaseClass4();

            BaseClass4.PrivateProtectedMethod(); //it's compile error! We don't have access to private protected method here






We used the same structure but with a private protected access modifier. If you consider the above samples, you will find out the Protected internal is so-called protected OR internal so it's accessible in the same assembly or the derived class(even in another assembly) whereas the private protected is Protected AND internal, so it's accessible in the same assembly AND derived classes! 

Category: Software

Tags: C#

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