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Website performance tools

Saturday, 01 June 2019

There are many website performance tools available, some of the popular ones are:


  1. Google PageSpeed Insights - a tool by Google that analyzes the performance of a website on both desktop and mobile devices, and provides suggestions to improve the website speed.
  2. GTmetrix - a tool that analyzes the performance of a website and provides detailed reports, including page speed, YSlow score, waterfall chart, and more.
  3. Pingdom - a tool that monitors website uptime and page speed, and provides real-time alerts if any issues arise.
  4. WebPageTest - a free and open-source tool that analyzes the performance of a website on different browsers and locations around the world.
  5. Lighthouse - a tool by Google that analyzes the performance, accessibility, and SEO of a website, and provides suggestions to improve the website speed.
  6. YSlow - a tool that analyzes the performance of a website and provides suggestions to improve the website speed based on the YSlow rules.
  7. DareBoost - a tool that analyzes the performance of a website, including page speed, accessibility, and SEO, and provides detailed reports with suggestions to improve the website speed.
  8. - an open-source tool that analyzes the performance of a website, including page speed, and provides detailed reports with suggestions to improve the website speed.
  9. Google Analytics - a free tool by Google that provides insights into website traffic, including the average page load time, bounce rate, and more.


These tools can help you identify performance issues on your website and provide suggestions to improve the speed and user experience. The combination of using some of the above tools could be so helpful for producing a high performance website.


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